Thursday, October 29, 2009

Verdict in "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" Fatality

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Worth dying for?

Once a year, it seems, you hear a story about alcohol poisoning somewhere where someone tried to drink too much too fast. But, have you ever heard of anyone dying from water intoxication?

A Sacramento radio station had a promotion to win a game system in their "Hold Your Wee for a WII" contest. According to the Smoking Gun:
Jennifer Strange, a 28-year-old mother of three, died on January 12 (2007) after drinking almost two gallons of water while taking part in a giveaway contest sponsored by Sacramento's KDND-FM. The contest awarded a Nintendo console to the person who could avoid urinating (or vomiting) after drinking a large quantity of water.

Today, a verdict was handed down, holding the radio station and its parent company 100% responsible for Strange's negligent death and awarded her family $16.57 million in damages.

Sadly, a caller to the program during the contest, who identified herself as a nurse, tried to warn the on air personalities of the dangers of water intoxication but was ignored.

Cross Posted at Say Anything

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