Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Ham Sandwich" Approved by Senate for Supreme Court

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It has been jokingly noted that a prosecutor could persuade a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich." I doubt that Barack Obama was thinking of that today when he let his rhetoric outrun his logic:

"With this historic vote, the Senate has affirmed that Justice Sotomayor has the intellect, the temperament, the history, the integrity and the independence of mind to ably serve on our nation's highest court."

Thus spake Barack Obama, aptly demonstrating that he does not have the intellect or temperament to serve on the High Court! In a highly partisan vote, a Democrat president could have nominated a "ham sandwich" as it were, and the majority of Democrats in the Senate would have confirmed it. This is by no means a measure of intellect or temperament, but a crass political sow's ear that Obama would rhetorically remake into a silk purse.

Whether or not Sotomayor has the intellect to ably serve on the Supreme Court is yet to be seen. If she becomes the justice she displayed in her hearings, perhaps. If she reverts to type to the kind of justice she has been in the past, then sadly, she will be found wanting. Time will tell.

Cross posted at Say Anything

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