Monday, July 13, 2009

If You're President of the US, Can They Still Make you Pee in a Cup?

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In his 1996 memoir, "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance," Obama wrote candidly about his high school-era drug use: "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though."
Lately, Mr. Obama has been making statements that call into question whether or not his drug usage is all in the past*.

First there was the obviously false story he told about where and how he met Michelle. He told a bunch of Russian students that they might meet their future spouse in class the way he did, only he didn't. No big. Hardly a blip on the Whopper meter.

Now, he's rewriting the history of the Cold War. Listen to this:

"The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful." -Barack Obama
I know it particularly galls the liberals to have to admit that Ronald Reagan played any part at all, much less a major part in winning the Cold War, but the people of Russia and Eastern Europe were under the thumb of totalitarian regimes. The backs of those regimes needed to be broken before the people would ever have a prayer of taking their countries back, much less peacefully standing up against their oppressors.

Why Obama would not credit the efforts of the West in general and the US in particular in concluding the Cold War (BTW, Barack: Those of us on the winning side, generally speak of "winning" the Cold War!), is a mystery. Particularly for an administration that aims to end smoking, The question du jour seems to be what's he been smoking?

*Closed Captioning for the Humor Impaired:
This is called "Tongue in cheek".

Cross posted at Say Anything

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